Wente Louis Mel Sauvignon Blanc 2013

cheap-wine-wente-louis-melThe 2013 Wente Louis Mel Sauvignon Blanc is sourced from Wente’s estate-grown “Louis Mel” vineyard in California’s Central Coast (for you specific folks, that’s the southern part of Livermore Valley).

Who the hell’s Louis Mel? Well he was this French dude with two first names that came to the U.S. in the 1870’s. Instead of becoming a cowboy or starting a mining town, he wanted a place to grow and make wines that would be as great as the French Crus that made him homesick. He looked everywhere until he found the ideal place – Livermore Valley – and decided to settle and kick it there for while.

You see, Livermore had this gravel and loam (mix clay, sand, humus & silt together) soil that was not only perfect to plant his Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon cuttings, but he thought it was also pretty much the same terroir of their native Bordeaux. By the way, Louis didn’t grab just any old grapes from any old shrubs on the way out – he got them from his buddy – the famous Château d’Yquem owner, the Marquis de Lur-Saluces. This is where Thomas Jefferson partied and loved the ladies and wine so much, he sent some back to his pal George Washington (the wine, not the ladies). Yeah, we’re talking pedigree.

Well, Wente bought the place from Louis’ kid in the 30’s, and the descendants of those very cuttings are there today, soaking up that loam. And kicking out some awesome Sauvignon Blanc!

The Louis Mel is a very pale straw color in your glass with a perfume of melon, just a squeeze of lime and some grass clippings. A sip reveals a nice body with plenty of honeydew melon and a little pineapple with a nice crisp citrus finish that’s long and refreshing. Its 13.5% ABV and bright acidity will compliment grilled salmon or spicy Asian fare.

See also  Trader Joe's Reserve North Coast Brut Rose'


About the Author
I like wine. All wine. Except expensive wine. Unless it's already at a party and it's free.

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