Hidden Hill Estate Mc Laren Vale Shiraz 2021

CheapWineFinder Podcast
CheapWineFinder Podcast
Hidden Hill Estate Mc Laren Vale Shiraz 2021

The Hidden Hill Estate McLaren Vale Shiraz 2021 looks to be a Trader Joe’s $5.99 exclusive wine. Tate Wines of Cowaramup in SouthEast Australia produced this Shirax.

Hidden Hill Estate McLaren Vale Shiraz 2021

The Story

The Hidden Hill Estate Mc Laren Vale Shiraz 2021 uses Mc Laren Vale grapes, which, along with Barossa Valley, produce the finest Shiraz in Australia. A search of the internet did not find any mention of any other Tate Wines or Hidden Hill Valley wine being sold in America.

The hand written sign at Trader Joe’s said that this was a special buy.

Tate Wines is located in Western Australia, while the Hidden Hill Estate is from Southeastern Australia. The back label lists the bottling company ahead of Tate Wines, so I am not sure about the actual origin.

This is a 2021 vintage, which gives this wine some age not usually associated with $5.99 wines. Also, typical value-priced Shiraz has South East Australia as a place of origin. McLaren Vale is sort of Sonoma or Napa of Australia, and these wines tend to have higher price tags.

The Hidden Hill Estate McLaren Vale Shiraz is a mystery wine. There are no production notes, no real insight as to who made the wine, and why is this Shiraz with some aging so inexpensive. The alcohol content is 14.5%.

The Hidden Hill Estate Mc Laren Vale Shiraz 2021 Tasting Notes

The color is a strawberry jerry red with black highlights. The nose is concentrated red berries, a little spice, faint brown sugar, cranberry, black cherry, and a light floral edge. The Hidden Hill Estate Mc Laren Vale Shiraz 2021 has a firm mouthfeel with dark flavors.

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This Shiraz tastes like black cherry, plum, spice, vanilla, coffee, and raspberry. The mid-palate shows baking spice and cranberry.

The tannins are soft and the acidity is well-balanced.

The Summary

  • The Hidden Hill Estate Mc Laren Vale Shiraz 2021 is a lot of wine for $5.99.
  • It is a darker style of Shiraz but drinks well and would pair well with grilled meats.

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About the Author
Don’t tell anyone, but there is absolutely no correlation between the cost of wine and the quality of wine.

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