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The Specially Selected Single Estate Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 is a $9.99 Aldi exclusive. Their Specially Selected brand showcases wine from the greatest growing regions in the world.
The Story
The single estate in the wine name is from Lismore Wines, which specializes in wine from Marlborough and Hawkes Bay in New Zealand. Lismore Wines has its own wine brands but also produces bulk wine and Private labels, such as the Specially Selected Single Estate Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023.
About 15 years ago, when New Zealand wine first came on the scene, they were as well known for Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc. They were said to produce some of the best under $20 Pinot Noir.
The sale of Sauvignon Blanc soared to the point that dwarf Pinot Noir was planted. Soon, Pinot vineyards were pulled up, and Sauvignon Blanc was planted in their place.
Pinot Noir is a temperamental grape, and its production is more involved. It has a complicated fermentation process, and oak barrel aging is often needed, which can add to the release date and be costly.
Sauvignon Blanc grows happily in Marlborough coastal valleys, has a relatively simple production, and does not require oak barrels or length aging.
There are no production notes for the Specially Selected Single Estate Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023, so we do not know which regions the vineyards are located in or production details, such as which yeasts are used for fermentation.
The yeast used is an important factor in Sauvignon Blanc wines because they can develop specific flavors. The alcohol content is 12.5% which is about right for grapes grown in a cool climate.
The Specially Selected Single Estate Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 Tasting Notes
The color is almost clear, with a hint of wheat yellow. The nose is subtle compared to typical NZ Sauv Blanc; there is melon, peach, pear, Green apple, candy spice, tropical fruit, and a soft floral edge. The Specially Selected Single Estate Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 is well-balanced andis on the grassy side of New Zealnd Sauvignon Blanc.
This Sauvignon Blanc tastes like tart grapefruit, sweet apple, and peaches and cream. There is pear, guava, nectarine, and tropiacle fruit.
The acidity does its job well.
The Summary
- The Specially Selected Single Estate Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 is easy to sip and rather tasty.
- New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc can be spikey, but is balanced and smooth.
- This an Aldi wine well worth buying.