Trader Joe’s Reserve Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon 2019-$25 for $9.99?

Trader Joe's Reserve Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon 2019-$25 for $9.99?

My cousin's next-door neighbor's uncle has a friend who read on the internet that this is a restaurant wine of note that because of Covid in 2020 and 2021 didn't sell and, with a new vintage coming, had to be sold off.

And Trader Joe's stepped in and bought and bought the whole vintage.

Does it taste more expensive than a $9.99 Cab Sauv?

Yes, it does.

Check out the review on and listen to the podcast for all the details!!

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About the Author
Don’t tell anyone, but there is absolutely no correlation between the cost of wine and the quality of wine.

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