Cederberg Bukettraube 2012

Cederberg Bukettraube 2012I had a meeting at one of my favorite Chicago wine bars recently – BIN36 – and I wanted something “outside the box” – not my usual reds or whites or sparklings or rosés. I said “bring me something weird”!  Enoch Shully, BIN36’s beverage guru, did not disappoint. He brought me something from his native South Africa – a 100% Bukettraube from Cederberg. Bukettraube! That’s the grape. Of German origin but now South Africa’s baby, it’s a bit like a dry-ass Riesling or maybe even a Chenin Blanc.

The Cederberg Bukettraube 2012 had a real bouquet of daisies thing going on for the nose – floral and also a little “grapey”. A sip revealed this to be the unique wine I was looking for that evening – crisp with juicy apricots, a little orange rind, a little honey, some Malaysian lychee, and an amazing well-balanced finish bringing some delicate sweetness to the bright acidity.

Did I make you want some? Want to drink out of the box tonight? Get you some Bukettraube! Enoch will be happy to help you at BIN36!

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About the Author
I like wine. All wine. Except expensive wine. Unless it's already at a party and it's free.

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